Welder’s flash is a painful eye condition that is caused when the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays hit the eye and cause burn like condition on the cornea. It is often accompanied by light sensitivity, watery eyes, swelling and irritation under the eyelid. Corneal wounds usually heal within two days, but you must also take measures to protect your eyes from further damage. For speedy recovery, you must try these effective home remedies.
If the pain is severe and you are experiencing blurred vision, it can be an indication of more serious problem and you must seek medical help immediately. Untreated welder’s flash can result in infection of the cornea which can even lead to loss of vision. It is necessary to seek early treatment. These 7 simple yet effective home remedies can bring relief from pain and inflammation associated with welder’s flash.
Following Effective Home Remedies To Treat Welder’s Flash:
To get relief from burning and pain, potato is a good remedy. It can provide a cooling effect and also reduce inflammation. Welder’s flash makes the eyes dry and itchy. Lubricating the eyes with potato will prevent itchiness and dryness of the eyelid area. Put potato slices over your eyes, lie down and relax. Repeat as often as you can to reduce burning sensation of your eyes.
Ice Packs
Welder’s flash is accompanied with a lot of pain and inflammation. Ice packs make amazing home remedies for the reduction of inflammation and pain. Ice packs cut the pain sensation in and around the affected eye area. They also reduce redness and inflammation caused due to welders flash. Thus, ice packs are an instantaneous pain relieving home remedy for this visual syndrome.
Placing tea bag on welder’s flash affected eyes is also an excellent remedy. Squeeze out excess tea but leave it moist and cool enough to keep it over the eyes. The antioxidant property of tea bags will help to reduce inflammation and pain. Tea bags can also help to remove styes which often cause irritation.
Just like potato slices, cucumber slices can also bring relief from pain and inflammation caused by welder’s flash. The cooling and hydrating properties of cucumber soothes dry itchy skin around the eyes. Place cucumber slices over your eyes to get relief from pain.
Milk is yet another effective remedy for treating symptoms associated with welder’s flash. Milk contains natural enzymes which can bring relief from dryness and itching. Boil some milk and bring it to room temperature, then apply around the affected eye using a cotton ball. You can even add few drop of warm milk inside the eyes. By lubricating the eyes, it will bring relief from pain, itchiness and burning.
Almond Oil
Almond oil or almond paste can also bring relief from the symptom accompanied with welder’s flash. Rich in vitamin, almond can help to lubricate the eyes and reduce pain, itchiness and inflammation.
Rose Water
Application of rose water can also bring relief from pain and inflammation caused due to welder’s flash. It works as coolant and brings relief from pain, inflammation and itchiness. Dab cotton ball in rose water and apply over the eyes to get relief.
Before trying out any of these remedies, the most important things that you must do is to rest your eyes. Keep your eyes closed till the time welder’s flash heals. Do not strain your eyes by watching television or reading something. It is best to lie down and take rest with both the eyes closed. You can use goggles to avoid bright light as bright light can aggravate the problem. Avoid washing the eyes with water; it can cause irritation to the cornea. Place gauze pad soaked in warm water over your eyes. This process will help to improve blood circulation in the affected area and speed up recovery. If pain and inflammation persist even after using these remedies, seek medical help immediately.