
How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - 8 Natural Foods

Cellulite occurs when a certain area of the skin loses its elasticity. The uneven accumulation of fats in these areas gives the skin the dimpled or cottage cheese like appearance. Although cellulite is not a symptom of any health disorder, nevertheless, it is embarrassing and prevents you from wearing skimpy outfits. Fortunately there are certain foods that by making the skin firmer can help in fighting cellulites. Here is what you should eat to reduce the appearance of cellulites.

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How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Oily Fish

Oily Fish

Oily fish such as salmon and sardine are excellent sources of omega-3 fats. These essential fats are good for the skin. They help in maintaining the elasticity of the connective tissues and repairing the damaged tissues. They shield the cell membranes from toxic substances and enable nutrients to get into the cells and waste products to move out of the cells. Moreover, the omega-3 fatty acids also help to break down the fats in cellulites, making the skin smoother.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Vitamin C is one of the best nutrients for reducing cellulite. It is essential for the production of collagen. When the collagen is strong there is less chance of cellulite formation. Moreover, vitamin C stimulates production of L-Carnitine, an amino acid that boosts fat burning. Vitamin C also helps in strengthening the blood vessels and boosts circulation. It also protects the skin tissues from free radicals that weaken the connective tissues. To fight cellulite, include vitamin C rich foods such as lime, lemon, orange, pineapple, strawberries, bell pepper, papaya and broccoli in your daily diet.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Whole Grains

Whole Grains

Spike in insulin level is often linked to cellulites. It is especially true for people who lead a sedentary life. Insulin directs unspent glucose to the fat cells, thereby increasing the size of the fat cells in the cellulites. To reduce cellulites, replace refined carbohydrates with whole grains. As whole grains are packed with fibers they are slowly digested. The slow gastric emptying time prevents the insulin level from spiking in the blood. To fight cellulite, eat whole wheat bread, brown rice, bulgur and other whole grain products.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Healthy Protein

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Healthy Protein

To prevent abnormal fluctuations in the insulin level, eat healthy proteins such as chicken breast, fish and nuts. The high satiety value of protein rich foods makes you feel full after consuming fewer calories. By improving development of lean muscles, they make the skin firmer and smoother.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Vitamin B6 Rich Foods

Vitamin B6 Rich Foods

Vitamin B6 helps in strengthening the connective tissues. It also helps in flushing out excess water from the body and reduces bloating, which makes the cellulites less visible. By aiding detoxification vitamin B6 helps in preventing cellulites. The best sources of vitamin B6 are chickpeas, fish and chicken breast.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea contains plant compounds called catechins that boost fat burning. By increasing the ability of the body to burn excess fat it reduces the risk of fat buildup under the skin. Moreover, green tea is packed with antioxidant compounds that help in negating the harmful free radicals and help in improving the health of the connective tissues.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Berries


Adding a handful of berries such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries or raspberries to your daily diet helps in getting rid of the cellulites fast. Packed with antioxidant compounds, berries protect the skin from the harmful free radicals, prevent oxidation of fats and boost detoxification. Berries also contain vitamin C, which helps in repairing the damaged connective tissues and improves the elasticity of the skin.

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Water Rich Foods

Water and Water Rich Foods

Cellulites are more visible when the skin is dehydrated. Therefore, drink enough water and eat fruits and vegetables with high water content such as cucumber, celery, parsley, asparagus, watermelon, Brussels sprouts and lettuce to make the cellulites less visible. Water helps to hydrate the skin, which makes the skin smoother.

Source: http://www.diyhealthremedy.com/8-foods-that-fight-cellulite/